Study , write down the important notes and run
/businessStudy , write down the important notes and run . This is all you needs as a businessman Be active and do not stop , ..........
1111 Daily Report Completed
/daily-report1111 Daily Report CompletedI have completed 1111 Days of writing my daily report totalling to 3 YEARS. Writing a daily report is not easy but it will help you to be more organized and to have a discipline in doing your business. By writing your .......
?Why is reading so important
/successful-businessmanBusinessmen, Entrepreneurs, Political Leaders, Influencers, Advisors, Consultants, Television and Social Media Personalities and most of the successful people in their own field or industry would always say that reading books is a vital part in becoming successful. What you read is being processed by your brain, it becomes the thoughts inside your mind, and what .......................
Amir Hossein Souri Interview 10-04-2020
/interview-10-04-2020In today's #AskAmir, we asked him the questions below:1. What are the challenges that you are facing in doing business?2. What is your greatest motivation and your deepest why on doing business?3. Do you think there is a certain level or certain ........